What Do Dreams Mean?

Posted By on September 7, 2009

seaside-village 2

By Michael Young

Do you ever have dreams that leave you asking the question, “What did that dream mean?” Well, I will be honest; there have been very few times in my life that I knew what a dream meant. In July of 2009, I had a dream that I knew was a message from God! As I sat there trying to figure out what it meant, it was as if God was watching over me…waiting for the right moment.

In this dream, I was walking down the street of a beautiful sea-side village. The architecture of the buildings was far more amazing then any I had ever seen. In my dream, I walked to the left onto another street that went up a very steep hill, looked to my right and saw a massive house with a big glass window on the back side of the house. Inside this house were people that seemed very content and at peace. Amongst these happy people, the house was surrounded by dark clouds engulfing the beautiful village. Suddenly, it started to rain and I woke up.

As I lay there thinking, I realized that only God could create a dream like that! I knew the complexity and beauty of the dream was far beyond what my mind was able to imagine. While putting things together, I knew the village represented my life as God sees it. It is my belief that he was trying to tell me that our lives are beautiful, and our experiences make us who we are. The dark clouds represent a storm that was and is to come. My father in heaven was trying to warn me to pull close to him, for when I do, I will be protected! I know now that the storm he was warning about came and went. I survived and was protected because I listened. I believe that if I ever have this dream again, the sun will be shining over this beautiful seaside village that represents my life. This to me will symbolize my Father in heaven saying he is proud of the growth that I have shown. As for now I strive to pull close to my Lord and Savior and to do his will for as long as I live on this earth and beyond.

I say to you now that God can make himself known to you in the most amazing ways when you are looking for it and sometimes when you are not. The powerful love that he has shown me is why I constantly strive to reach out to anyone who will listen. I pray that you who are reading this find that special place inside yourself where God is speaking to you. I want you to know that maybe it will beĀ  a dream and maybe it will be a song. I am not sure how he will choose to speak to you, but I know it will be amazing. By Michael Young

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2 Responses to “What Do Dreams Mean?”

  1. Judy parrott says:

    Michael, I love the wonderful stories! You have done such a good job. I like your dream, too. Have a blessed and peaceful week. Judy P

  2. Steven says:

    Great article buddy. Keep them coming!

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